Matt Wuebbling
Matt has been with NVIDIA since 2006 and is the director of product marketing for Tegra. Before Tegra he was in the notebook business and launched NVIDIA’s Optimus Technology. Matt cut his teeth at NVIDIA in the MCP business unit as the product manager for performance chipsets and motherboards, and has been involved with an array of interesting products ever since. Prior to NVIDIA Matt held various leadership positions in engineering and marketing with established Silicon Valley companies and various startups. Matt received a BS in computer engineering from Northwestern University and an MBA from the University of Michigan Ross School of Business. Matt enjoys hiking, traveling, thinking about new business ideas, and hanging out with his two kids. He is married to a fantastic woman and enjoys visiting family in the Midwest and on the East Coast.
NVIDIA 在 2024 年 Gamescom 上展出 ACE、RTX 游戏等诸多全新 AI 功能
在全球规模最大的游戏展 Gamescom 上,NVIDIA 再度突破游戏技术的界限,确保玩家获得更身临其境的游… 阅读更多
进一步举措使GeForce 显卡能够到达玩家手中
GeForce产品创新无限,为玩家而生。我们的RTX 30系列基于第二代RTX架构,拥有专用的RT Cores… 阅读更多
GeForce 为游戏而生,CMP 为加密货币挖矿打造
NVIDIA 限制 GeForce RTX 3060 GPU 的哈希率以降低其对加密货币从业者的吸引力,同时推… 阅读更多
CES 2020:GeForce 引领游戏笔记本电脑日趋轻薄的发展趋势
PC 游戏规模比以往更大,这很大程度上是因为经过十年的精雕细琢,我们打造出了超乎人想象的小巧游戏笔记本电脑。… 阅读更多
“迈向未来的一大步”:NVIDIA CEO 发布 GeForce RTX 30 系列 GPU发布了 GeForce RTX 3090、3080 和 3070;推出了 NVIDIA Reflex、Omniverse Machinima 和 Broadcast;为 RTX 版“堡垒之夜 (Fortnite)”大获成功提供了支持。
十年前,人们还在根据 GPU 能否支持“孤岛危机 (Crysis)”来判断其优劣。这种… 阅读更多
借助 DLSS 2.0,AI 继续为游戏带来革命性的变化
从游戏中的物理到动画仿真,再到 AI 辅助的广播,人工智能正在彻底改变游戏行业的面貌。 本周,《控制》和《机甲… 阅读更多