David Niewolny
David Niewolny is the director of business development for healthcare/medical at NVIDIA, where he is focused on easing the adoption of AI in healthcare and medical applications. David has 18 years of experience building and leading healthcare-focused businesses within AWS, Real Time Innovations, NXP and Freescale Semiconductor. He is considered an industry authority on the use of new technology (wireless, cloud, IoT, artificial intelligence) in healthcare and medical applications. David holds an MBA from the University of Texas at Austin and a B.S. in biomedical/biochemical engineering from Iowa State University.
西门子医疗使用 MONAI Deploy 推动医学影像 AI 的部署
全球每年为诊断、监测和治疗各种疾病而进行的医学影像检查达到 36 亿次。 如果能够加快对 X 射线、CT 扫描… 阅读更多
AI 医疗设备的飞速发展推动医疗行业的变革
软件定义和 AI 赋能是医疗行业的两大未来趋势。目前,市场上大约有 700 种 FDA 认证的 AI 医疗设备… 阅读更多
强生医疗科技与 NVIDIA 携手拓展 AI 在医疗外科领域的应用
AI 已经用于连接和分析手术室数据并据此提供预测,这对外科手术的未来发展至关重要,可以提高手术室效率并推动临床… 阅读更多
NVIDIA AI Enterprise 助力研究人员、医院攻克癌症
图注:NVIDIA AI Enterprise使医院的IT管理员能够在医院的核心应用程序旁上运行AI应用程序,… 阅读更多