Anne Hecht
Anne Hecht is senior director of product marketing for enterprise software products at NVIDIA, including the NVIDIA AI Enterprise software suite and virtual client computing solutions such as the NVIDIA RTX Virtual Workstation. Previously, she held senior positions in product marketing, solutions marketing and corporate marketing at enterprise technology firms Sun Microsystems, NComputing, ForgeRock and Agari. Anne has an MBA from the Wharton School of Business at the University of Pennsylvania and a bachelor's degree from the University of Pennsylvania.
搭载 NGC 容器的 NVIDIA vComputeServer 将 GPU 虚拟化引入 AI、深度学习和数据科学
VMware、思科、戴尔、红帽等行业领军者均支持 vComputeServer,力求精简 GPU 服务器的部署… 阅读更多
NVIDIA 携最新 GPU 虚拟化技术亮相 VMworld
在 8 月 25 至 29 日于旧金山举办的 VMworld 大会上,NVIDIA 将展示虚拟 GPU (vG… 阅读更多
牙科学校,特别是那些为公众提供服务的牙科院校都花费了大量的精力帮助患者减少痛苦。同样的,为校内师生和员工管理I… 阅读更多