Zvi Greenstein
Zvi Greenstein is a General Manager at NVIDIA. He is currently in the automotive team where he heads up product management and business development for simulation and mapping. Prior to joining the automotive team, Zvi was responsible for the company's VR products, including NVIDIA Holodeck, VRWorks SDKs and working with NVIDIA's ecosystem partners to advance the VR industry. He has been in the graphics industry for 15 years in various leadership roles. He holds a master’s degree in business administration from Tel Aviv University, and a bachelor’s degree in electrical engineering from Ben-Gurion University of the Negev.
NVIDIA Omniverse Cloud API 为自主系统开发提供超强助力
仿真对于自主系统的训练、测试和部署至关重要,而实现现实世界级别保真度的难度极高。 这需要对自主系统传感器和周围… 阅读更多
隆重推出 NVIDIA DRIVE Map:可扩展的多模式地图构建引擎加速部署 L3 级和 L4 级自动驾驶
凭借对全球地理环境及其中所有事物的细致了解,地图为 AI 提供了做出先进安全的驾驶决策的预见性支持。 在 GT… 阅读更多
NVIDIA 携手领先高精地图公司交付端到端自动驾驶系统
DRIVE Localization 是一个开放的可扩展平台,让自动驾驶车辆可以在世界各地借助高精地图,实现厘… 阅读更多
NVIDIA Turing 推动 VR 迈向完全沉浸式体验
在过去的数十年中,VR 体验不再只是科幻电影的专属,它们已经进入研究实验室,进而走向了家庭和办公室。但是,即便… 阅读更多