Richard Kerris
Richard Kerris (he/him) is the industry general manager for media and entertainment at NVIDIA. With a career spanning Apple, Lucasfilm and Amazon/AWS, Richard’s experience combine driving marketing and product development with a focus on bringing new ideas to life. At Apple, he directed developer relations and managed Final Cut Pro, Logic and Aperture. At Lucasfilm, he served as CTO, managing research and development, IT and information services. Richard has given keynote addresses at GTC, Asia Broadcast and China Joy Expo and delivered multiple Apple Worldwide Developers Conference presentations. He currently serves on the Bay Area Board of the Visual Effects Society and as an active member of the Society of Motion Picture and Television Engineers.
NVIDIA Media2 通过 AI 深入改变内容创作、流媒体和受众体验
从创建 GPU、RTX 实时光线追踪和神经渲染,到如今重塑 AI 计算,NVIDIA 几十年来一直站在计算机图… 阅读更多
一个生成式 AI 研究团队创造了一把如同瑞士军刀般多功能的声音工具,支持用户只需使用文本就能控制输出的音频。… 阅读更多
西门子能源公司使用 NVIDIA Omniverse 开发发电厂的工业数字孪生数字孪生能够为发电厂提供预测性维护,每年可帮助公用设备供应商节省约 17 亿美元。
在规模达万亿美元的全球能源市场中,西门子能源公司是领先的发电厂技术供应商,该公司依靠 NVIDIA Omniv… 阅读更多
专为代码而创建的代码:USD 使模拟更加符合物理法则苹果公司、NVIDIA 和 Pixar Animation Studios 携手扩展通用场景描述,使模拟对象的表现与现实世界更加一致。
距离元宇宙的实现越来越接近。 即日起,开发者可以通过一种标准方式创建和分享逼真的模拟。苹果、NVI… 阅读更多