Norm Marks
Norm Marks NVIDIA's Vice President of Automotive Industry, responsible for driving NVIDIA’s global automotive industry enterprise go-to-market strategy. Marks is focused on establishing areas of application for the NVIDIA open, full-stack and software-defined computing platform to transform the automotive and transportation industries. He speaks frequently on topics related to autonomous vehicles, including artificial intelligence/ deep learning, data management, validation, simulation and replay, as well as connected everything, smart mobility, digital twins and immersive experiences. Marks earned his bachelor of science degree in business administration from Bowling Green State University and went on to complete the rigorous Executive Management Program at Stanford’s Graduate School of Business. On a personal level, he is committed to building awareness and a network of community support for families dealing with autism spectrum disorders.
志在远途:Waabi 率先使用生成式 AI 实现完全无人驾驶的自动驾驶卡车运输
AI 正在深入改变运输业,帮助推动自动驾驶汽车技术的进步。 总部位于多伦多的初创公司 Waabi 正在使用生成… 阅读更多
Wayve 在生成式 AI 的推动下迈入 AV 2.0 时代
生成式 AI 正在推动 AV 2.0 的发展,开启自动驾驶汽车技术的新时代。AV 2.0 通过大型、统一的端到… 阅读更多
CaLLM、智能化与互联化:赛轮思利用生成式 AI 改变车内体验
将 AI 集成到车内已成为塑造未来驾驶体验的关键。随着汽车的智能互联化,直观的人机交互界面和高级驾驶辅助系统(… 阅读更多
生成式 AI 开发者利用 NVIDIA 技术变革车内体验
未来的汽车将不仅仅是交通运输方式,而是会成为智能伙伴,将技术和舒适性无缝结合,以提升驾驶体验,并且从内到外都将… 阅读更多