Kimberly Powell
Kimberly Powell is vice president of healthcare at NVIDIA. She is responsible for the company’s worldwide healthcare business, including hardware and software platforms for accelerated computing, AI, and visualization that power the ecosystem of medical imaging, life sciences, drug discovery, and healthcare analytics. Previously, Powell led the company’s higher education and research business, along with strategic evangelism programs, NVIDIA AI Labs, and the NVIDIA Inception program. Powell joined NVIDIA in 2008 with responsibility for establishing NVIDIA GPUs as the accelerator platform for medical imaging instruments.
在日本人口中,约 30% 是 65 岁以上的老年人。为了向他们提供高质量的医疗服务,日本正在推行几乎覆盖医疗行… 阅读更多
台湾地区领先的医疗中心采用 NVIDIA 加速计算推动生物医学研究
台湾地区领先的医疗中心卫生研究院(NHRI)和长庚纪念医院(CGMH)致力于推动生物医学研究和患者医疗健康领域… 阅读更多
NVIDIA BioNeMo 在亚马逊云科技上线,实现用于药物研发的生成式 AI
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NVIDIA Clara联邦学习为医院带来AI,同时保护患者数据
智能边缘计算平台可简化放射学深度学习 北美放射学会(Radiological Society of North… 阅读更多