John Fanelli
John is vice president of the NVIDIA virtualization product group, which includes responsibility for product management, product marketing and virtualization alliances. With over 20 years of marketing experience, John has led marketing teams at DataTorrent, Citrix, LeftHand Networks, Wind River and Sun Microsystems. He holds an MBA from the J.L. Kellogg Graduate School of Management at Northwestern University, a master’s degree in computer science from the Illinois Institute of Technology and a bachelor’s degree in computer science from the University of Michigan.
NVIDIA 与全球咨询领导者一同加速 AI 在日本各行各业的应用
埃森哲、德勤、安永战略咨询有限公司 (或安永日本)、FPT、Kyndryl 和塔塔咨询服务日本分公司 (TCS… 阅读更多
世界级升级:咨询行业领导者与 NVIDIA 共同助力印度站在 AI 时代的前沿
Infosys、TCS、Tech Mahindra 以及 Wipro 等头部 IT 企业正与 NVIDIA 合… 阅读更多
新版 NVIDIA AI Enterprise 发布, 照亮数据中心
随着新的一年到来,NVIDIA 发布了新版 NVIDIA AI Enterprise软件套件,帮助全球企业将现… 阅读更多
NVIDIA和VMware联合开发AI-ready企业平台,将全球领先的AI堆栈和经过优化的软件带入全球数十万… 阅读更多