Jessica Soares
Jessica Presença Soares is a senior marketing and PR specialist for autonomous vehicles at NVIDIA. Originally from Brazil, she started her professional journey in media as a reporter and editor before pivoting to marketing. With a decade of experience under her belt, Jessica has worked across diverse sectors including fashion, technology, and automotive industries. Her educational background includes a bachelor's degree in journalism from Mackenzie University in Brazil, followed by an MBA at USC Marshall School of Business.
推动影响力:NVIDIA 拓展汽车生态系统,将物理 AI 推向实际道路应用
自动驾驶汽车变革已经到来——处于其前沿的 NVIDIA,用超过二十年的汽车计算、软件和安全专业知识,助力从云端… 阅读更多
NVIDIA DRIVE 合作伙伴在 CES 上展示最新移动出行创新技术
全球交通领域的领军企业,包括各大乘用车、卡车、自动驾驶出租车和自主运输物流系统等公司,开始使用 NVIDIA… 阅读更多
津津乐“道”:蔚来发布基于 NVIDIA DRIVE Orin 开发的乐道 L60 智能电动 SUV
蔚来旗下智能电动汽车品牌乐道 (ONVO) 发布了基于 NVIDIA DRIVE Orin 系统级芯… 阅读更多
NVIDIA 与 Zoox 并肩领航,共筑自动驾驶网约车新未来
为庆祝 Zoox 成立十周年,NVIDIA 创始人兼首席执行官黄仁勋最近与这家机器人出租车公司的首席执行官 A… 阅读更多