Dane Johnston
Dane Johnston is senior director of Omniverse Create at NVIDIA, where he's worked for 15 years pushing graphics and artist pipelines for games, film and manufacturing. Dane has led major projects including NVIDIA Holodeck, NVIDIA Funhouse, NVIDIA Gameworks engagements and more. Most recently, he's focused on Omniverse and the connections between major digital content-creation applications. Dane is a technical artist at heart, and straddles the line between technology and art as close as he can.
软件开发商推出基于 NVIDIA Omniverse 构建并由 OpenUSD 和生成式 AI 助力的产品配置器
无论是设计梦中情车,还是定制服装,3D 产品配置器正在开创一个超个性化新时代,使零售商和消费者受益匪浅。 开发… 阅读更多